AMOFSG Ad Hoc Working Group

Terms of Reference

1. Tasks
The WG is tasked to prepare a first draft of operational service needs and corresponding deliverables for the MSTA by looking at the following questions:
  • Weather parameters
    What currently existing parameters need to be predicted? Are there new parameters (e.g. thunderstorm density?) that need to be considered?
  • Spatial and temporal scales
    What time scales and lead times are appropriate? How will the spatial variability within the wider terminal area as proposed by the WMO CAeM ET-MSTA be addressed? Is there a need for reviewing this space scale over time?
  • Applicable locations
    The WG may suggest a "minimum traffic" criterion for locations requiring the additional products, data and service, possibly "staged" from a basic set to a fully-blown range of products. Topographic considerations (e.g. Hong Kong, China; Bhutan etc) may enter these definitions as additional drivers.
  • Desirable accuracy and resolution
    There will be a need to refine desired accuracies for QMS purposes.
2. Work Plan and modus operandi
The WG is tasked to develop a prototype plan (and schedule), with reference to the ICAO Annex 3 amendment cycle, for consideration during and after AMOFSG/8. The prototype plan (and schedule) should include efforts of evaluation, e.g. based on user's feedback on prototypes available on the MSTA web-based platform ( and development of guidance material and training for users to facilitiate and future implementation of the MSTA products.
It is expected that the group will perform most of the work by correspondence but will meet at every subsequent AMOFSG meetings.
The WG can invite other industry experts to meetings (in person or virtual at their own expense)
The WG will provide status updates, as necessary, to the AMOFSG.